It is only eleven-thirty in the evening, but I can tell it’s going to be a long night. My toddler has already woken up twice covered in his own vomit. Each time I clean him up, change the sheets, start a load of laundry. I know I need to stay up in case he needs me again. I usually reach for a book, but I am zapped of brain power and choose to break my social media fast and download Instagram back onto my phone, hungry for sourdough tutorials and inspiration. What I find instead is a a not-so-subtle reminder of the loud world that is social media. Hundreds (actually thousands) of influencers each with their own niche, their own agenda, their own noise being released daily into the clamourous interwebs. Micro-influencers trying to bust their way into a saturated market shouting, “Hey look at me I have something new!” I am simultaneously drawn in and exhausted.
Our epic road trip this summer included a two-night camp in Dinosaur National Monument. We marveled at the variety of landscapes and attractions beyond fossils (although the wall of fossils was really, really cool). Our first morning in the park we hiked “The Sound of Silence” trail. Miles through dusty red cliffs and white, sandy desert landscapes oddly quiet and lonely. My husband and I often found ourselves shushing the children so we could enjoy the peace of the wilderness.
Just a week or so later, we hiked a very different trail with our children. This one, well-trafficked and busy, but also stunningly beautiful. The trail ended at Hidden Falls, one of the most popular spots in Grand Teton National Park. There, feet soaked in ice-cold water, we gazed up at thousands of gallons of melted snow gushing over carved rock, creating white foam and a deafening roar. We had to shout just to be heard by those standing next to us.
At times I turn to social media for recipes, ideas, inspirations, and encouragements. I’ve reconnected with distant friends and made new ones. I love the opportunities. But it’s loud. No one is seen unless they post. Participants have to shout to be noticed by even their closest friends, and even that might not make it through the filtered algorithms.
There’s a difference between shouting next to a rushing waterfall and shouting next to a wilderness canyon.
I let go of social media in this season, tired of trying of nursing a raw throat from trying to make my voice heard amidst the chaos. I heard too many presentations and evidence about the harmful effects. I needed quiet in my mind and heart.
Reflection Questions (take five to ten minutes right now, or schedule time for yourself to do this. It’s best to write it down, take a note in your notes app, or say it out loud).
What role does social media play in your life?
Are you shouting or quiet in your social media usage (if you have accounts)?
Write down ten reasons you should keep social media or ten reasons you should delete it (and then do one or the other with no guilt! Everyone makes the decisions that are best for them).
What actions did you take last month with your word? Are you getting tired of your word?
I have reduced my time on social media and only check in on close friends and family. I got tired of even Christian friends posting pictures of themselves with the post ”should I wear this or this.” I’m not willing to delete, but using my word, discipline, I have tempered my exposure. It is quite freeing!
Discipline in this time has been showing up often enough, so much so I’m tripping over it! Do I follow through when I say I’m going to do something? Do I create the time and space to allow myself to be discipled in God’s word? Am I making the best use of this year of “sabbatical?”
Time to ponder this more…